...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...
...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...

If you are Undergoing a Spiritual Awakening Process...

Stay tuned as I share Metaphysical Experiences that I've had on my path of awakening ... they are sure to assist you on yours.

Because these happenings are unlike anything you've ever experienced before, having some form of commonality will give you perspective on what to expect and you won't feel so isolated and alone.

Please understand, in order to achieve Full Active Ascension in this lifetime while you are still in your organic form... you must consciously choose to participate in your Upliftment to The Higher Light of Who You Are.

If you're interested in Spiritual Awakening writings/videos-- you undoubtedly made plans to evolve during this lifetime before choosing to incarnate into these lower frequencies.

... and with this, You (Soul) chose how much of yourself you wanted to recover and when You (persona) would be consciously prompted so you could actively participate in your return back into the higher light frequencies.

So, the plan was to reach out to You (persona) after increasing your light quotient enough for you to understand that changes are underway.

If your Higher Self hasn't already begun to send you messages-- let me offer this, if you're curious to know WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU'RE HERE... you will undoubtedly begin to reach out to yourself in short order.

Please be mindful of the Synchronicities and Prompts that will show themselves in your reality.

This is a sign from The Higher Light of Who You Are, that it's time for you to take action steps...


Know that you will always have assistance along the way...

By staying the course, your Higher Self will recognize your interest, and with this, you will be guided to do what will be needed to progress on your path.

... as Your Higher Self is looking forward to Expressing more of The Vastness of Your Soul's Essence within the Potentiality of all that your ACTIVATED DNA will allow.

The Higher Light Realities of Source is looking forward to your Return 2 The Oneness of Self and wants you to know you are loved more than you know.

Also, please understand that our beautiful Great Mother Earth has received and since anchored highly charged energetics that's been emanating from The Grand Central Sun (The Center of our Galaxy) for some time now.

... and will continue to permeate herself until she is completely immersed and uplifted into the higher light frequencies.

To this end, this lower creational reality that we're all lending our energy to creating will also be uplifted into the higher light.

Because of this--this illusioned reality that we're expressing and experiencing ourselves within will be transformed.

... Rescinded and Returned to The Higher Light Realities of Source.

If you are interested in reading more...

You are invited to check out Return 2 Oneness Publication... it was created out of Love for Humanity and to offer assistance to my Brothers and Sisters. It's full of information that will assist the Spiritually Awakened and Awakening Initiate on their path to Self Recovery.

If you are being pulled to Recognize Yourself and Why You're Here, please understand that this is a sign for you to Receive Those Answers.

To Understand Your Divine Nature... just look to your heart for the answers as The Source of Creation lies within your Heart Space❤️...

With Tons of Love, Honor and Appreciation for our Return 2 Oneness,

© TT Andromeda❤️

Medium member since November 2022
Editor of Return 2 Oneness
...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...

...TT Andromeda-Love As One❤️...

A Self-Expressionist... I'm Motivated by The Divinity of Self! Allow me to enlighten you by SHINING A LIGHT on TRUTH. Shared by The Higher Light Realities.